ELE – New DFID Project

Helping vulnerable young people in Rwanda towards a brighter future Marie’s Story   Survivors Fund (SURF) is pleased to announce that it has been awarded a grant by the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID). Delivered in partnership with the Association … Continue Reading »

Incike 2015

A new crowd funding campaign, Incike Initiative 2015, is to be launched to support highly vulnerable, aged survivors in Rwanda. Incike is a Rwandan tech. initiative by young, ICT entrepreneur Mutangana Aphrodise, who has developed a mobile technology platform to … Continue Reading »

Children of rape

Lindsey Hilsum in today’s Observer writes of  the extraordinary testimony of women who were raped during the genocide in Rwanda twenty years ago – and of the children born as a result. Survivors Fund (SURF), with our US partner, Foundation Rwanda, have been … Continue Reading »

Bike Build

Twenty years ago on April 7th, 1994, an estimated 20,000 children were born as the result of rapes during the genocide in Rwanda, many of them to mothers who contracted HIV. Since 2007, Foundation Rwanda has worked to help educate … Continue Reading »

House of Memory

Survivors Fund (SURF) has transferred ownership of the Kamonyi Centre, a purpose-built site for the preservation of the memory of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, as told by survivors, to Rwanda’s National Commission for the Fight against Genocide … Continue Reading »

Great Gifts

We are currently working on our annual report for the Charities Advisory Trust documenting the progress of a number of projects funded through their Good Gifts Catalogue, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the impact of that work over … Continue Reading »

Come Together

A group of seven organisations, including Survivors Fund (SURF), representing and supporting survivors of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, has called for increased support to the tens of thousands of vulnerable genocide survivors in Rwanda. The call has … Continue Reading »


The Rwandan genocide undeniably represents one of the most appalling events in recent human history, and its legacy will continue to affect the lives of those who survived it, in the years to come. Twenty years after the genocide, Rwanda … Continue Reading »

GWEP Update

Since its inception in December 2012, the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP) has reached over 2,436 individuals, operating in five districts (Karongi, Rutsiru, Ngororero, Nyabihu, and Rubavu) in the Western province of Rwanda that previously did not have access to … Continue Reading »

New Year

Greetings to you all from me, Françoise Lemagnen, the incoming Chief Executive! I have just returned from an intensive and instructive few weeks in Rwanda meeting with the team and partners and most importantly with survivors across the country. I return … Continue Reading »