
An estimated 20,000 children were born as a result of rape committed against Tutsi women during the 1994 genocide. Josiane was herself born as a result of rape. “I was conceived when three men raped my mom” she says. When I … Continue Reading »


Tutsi women were raped and often mutilated during the 1994 genocide.  Victim’s testimonies confirm that women were subject to sexual brutality. Most women who were directly threatened with death were spared only to be raped. Children born of these rapes … Continue Reading »


A guest post by Dr Jemma Hogwood, Clinical Psychologist, SURF Rwanda: Four Clinical Psychology students from the National University of Rwanda (NUR) presented their research findings to an international panel and fellow students last week. Supervised by Dr Carl Auerbach … Continue Reading »


A post by David Russell, Director of Survivors Fund (SURF). I am currently on a visit to Rwanda, where we are recording interviews with our partners and their members for a short film that we will be producing to mark … Continue Reading »


Mukomeze (Kinyarwanda for “empower her”) is a non-profit organization established to raise awareness of and funds for women and girls who suffered sexual violence during the genocide in Rwanda. The Dutch-based organisation developed “The Men Who Killed Me”, a book featuring … Continue Reading »

Sixteen years on

Sixteen years on from the genocide in Rwanda and there remain many challenges for survivors. Most pressing for widowed survivors is lack of adequate shelter, and for orphaned survivors difficulty in completing their education. A shared challenge for all survivors … Continue Reading »