An EVKREP Training Session


Continuing our series of articles from our Annual Report 2021/22, we outline here our work on our Empowering Vulnerable Genocide Widows in Karongi and Rutsiro Districts to Alleviate Extreme Poverty (EVKREP) Project. In 2021, Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with … Continue Reading »

EVKEP Beneficiaries Meeting


Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with AVEGA Agahozo, have been awarded a grant of $93,604 for an 18-month project from the Addax & Oryx Foundation. The Empowering Vulnerable Genocide Widows in Karongi and Rutsiro Districts to Alleviate Extreme Poverty (EVKREP) … Continue Reading »

Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

New Strategic Plan

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely … Continue Reading »