On Saturday 17th September we will be having early evening drinks to mark the 25th Anniversary of Survivors Fund (SURF) at a Central London venue. So please do keep the date free.
It is a remarkable achievement that we have reached this milestone, and despite the many challenges of obstacles, more so in recent years resulting from the global coronavirus pandemic, that we are still going strong. That is principally testament to our incredible team in Rwanda, as well as our remarkable partner organisations.
That has only been made possible as well through the dedicated and committed support of the core of individuals and institutional donors that continue to fund our work. For that we are dearly grateful, and this will be an opportunity for the trustees of Survivors Fund (SURF) to thank you in person.
With the help of our longstanding videographers, Drew Sutton and Rachel Collingwood from eco2, we have edited a new updated campaign film that we will be launching on the night. Below is a short segment from the film that sets out the numbers of those that we have reached through our work since Survivors Fund (SURF) was formally registered by our founder Mary Kayitesi Blewitt OBE back in 1997.
At the event, we will be launching our legacy campaign to ask for those that will consider doing so, to remember Survivors Fund (SURF) and consider making a contribution to help sustain our work in future in their will.
The difference that a legacy can make is showcased by our partner Foundation Rwanda, who recently received a bequest of over $100,000 from an anonymous donor which has enabled us to extend support to many more young people born of rape committed during the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda to access edcuation and counselling, as noted in their Annual Report 2021/22.
We will be in touch further in due course with further details and information for the event, but for now, please do mark it in your diaries. And we hope that some of you will be able to join us to raise a drink.