Survivors Fund (SURF), and our partner Network for Africa, have both submitted short films directed by Andrew Sutton of Eco2 to the Charity Film Awards. Voting is now open, so your support in casting a vote for us would be greatly appreciated!
The first film features our Community Counselling Initative with women survivors with children born of genocide rape in partnership with Foundation Rwanda:
As one woman who has participated in the project explained: ‘I always thought that I was the only one suffering from having a child that was born out of rape, but after our counselling group discussion, I got to know that it is no longer my concern as an individual but our concern as a group. Sharing our experiences gives me more hope and strength.’
The second film features our youth counselling programme with young survivors in partnership with Network for Africa and AERG:
Voting is open until 1st December, and you are free to vote for both films!