SURF Vocational Training Students

The Big Give

The Coles-Medlock Foundation have committed a £5,000 matching grant to our Foundation Rwanda programme for the vocational education and counselling of 40 young people born to women survivors raped during the genocide next year if we can raise an additional £15,000 through The … Continue Reading »

SURF's Community Counselling Initiative

Charity Film Awards

Survivors Fund (SURF), and our partner Network for Africa, have both submitted short films directed by Andrew Sutton of Eco2 to the Charity Film Awards. Voting is now open, so your support in casting a vote for us would be … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda

Foundation Rwanda

Since Foundation Rwanda’s inception in 2007, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been a key partner in providing life-changing services to the Foundation Rwanda families, addressing the education and counselling needs of young people conceived by rape during the 1994 genocide committed … Continue Reading »

Angel stands in front of the house she shares with her mother in Rwanda's Ngoma sector on Feb. 26. Tourism is her dream career. Her backup plan is selling tomatoes (Whitney Shefte, Washington Post)

Angel and Jacqueline

Sunlight streams through Angel’s window, catching her metallic hoop earrings. She sits at a wooden table next to her mother, Jacqueline. They split a loaf of bread for breakfast and wash it down with tea. Jacqueline sprinkles brown sugar into … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda programme

Continuing our series of articles from our Annual Report 2016, we outline here our current work with Foundation Rwanda. Through funding from Foundation Rwanda, Survivors Fund (SURF) is currently addressing the education and counselling needs of young people conceived through rape … Continue Reading »

Turning Pain into Hope. Photo by Whitney Shefte.

Turning Pain into Hope

Rwanda’s children of rape are coming of age — against the odds. By Danielle Paquette, The Washington Post. Angel was 11 the last time her mother tried to kill her. She remembers the handful of rat poison pellets, the urging: Take … Continue Reading »