Advocacy by and for survivors

Advocacy, which I write about in our new annual report, underpins the work of SURF. It is critical to raise awareness of the situation of survivors in Rwanda today, and to secure greater support to enable survivors to rebuild their lives. International … Continue Reading »

A Visit to Rwanda

A Visit to Rwanda

The past 3 weeks in Rwanda have been a happy time, and a sad time. Attending the graduation of the 12 students SURF has sponsored through UNILAK was a happy time. Attending the funeral of the parents of our Co-Chair, … Continue Reading »

SURF on the BBC

SURF’s BBC Radio 4 Charity of the Week Appeal was broadcast this Sunday. For those that missed it, there is another chance to hear the broadcast on Thursday 18th June at 3:27pm or to listen below: SURF on BBC Radio … Continue Reading »

Reporting on the situation of survivors

SURF is fortunate to secure coverage of its work, and the situation of survivors in Rwanda, through an array of different media channels. This Sunday, BBC Radio Berkshire began a six-part broadcast of the recent visit of two SURF trustees … Continue Reading »

Survivors and justice

Justice for survivors of the Rwandan genocide remains a priority for SURF. Our programme agenda is determined by our partners, local survivors’ organisations, and the issue that is most pressing for them – and thus for us – is justice. … Continue Reading »

Rwanda 15 Years On

Yesterday marked the 15th Anniversary of the Rwandan genocide, with events staged worldwide to remember the one million victims , and the four hundred thousand survivors, of the genocide. SURF helped organise a commemoration at the United Nations in New York … Continue Reading »

DFID’s Support for Survivors

SURF’s campaign to mark the 10th Anniversary of the Rwandan genocide in 2004 was centred on raising awareness of the plight of women survivors raped and infected with HIV and AIDS during the genocide. The campaign included a Reading of … Continue Reading »

Survivors Today

At the Houses of Parliament, the All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on The Great Lakes Region of Africa organised a memorial ceremony to mark the 15th Anniversary of the genocide. The event was featured on the Today Programme on BBC … Continue Reading »