AVEGA Western Region Members

EVWEP funded by UK Aid Direct

Survivors Fund (SURF), in partnership with AVEGA Agahozo, have been awarded a grant of £249,613 for a 30-month project from UK Aid Direct, the challenge fund of the UK Department for International Development (DFID) supporting civil society organisations to achieve … Continue Reading »

HMD 2020

Stand Together

Today, January 27th, marks the 75th Anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau and the commemoration of Holocaust Memorial Day. The theme for the commemoration this year is Stand Together. It explores how genocidal regimes throughout history have deliberately fractured societies … Continue Reading »

SURF January 2020 Newsletter

SURF Newsletter

Each month we publish a newsletter with the latest developments on our work, for which you can subscribe here. Our most recent newsletter includes information on our work with Network for Africa, as well as the success of our Big … Continue Reading »

CNLG Executive Secretary Jean Damascene Bizimana addresses media in Kigali. (Sam Ngendahimana)


CNLG shines spotlight on Genocide convicts who have evaded justice By Emmanuel Ntirenganya, The New TimesOriginally Published on 17th December 2019 Some people who were convicted of Genocide crimes by Gacaca courts have been on the run in an attempt … Continue Reading »

Foundation Rwanda Group Members

Foundation Rwanda Update

Happy Holidays to our extended Foundation Rwanda Family!  Times are still hard for many survivors in Rwanda, particularly in light of the 25th anniversary of the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and the ongoing release of genocide convicts over … Continue Reading »

Network for Africa Counselling Group

Network for Africa

From the Network for Africa newsletter Not many charities say their aim is to close down. But Network for Africa’s vision is making a world where we are no longer needed. That is why we focus on training local people … Continue Reading »

SURF Vocational Training Students

The Big Give

The Coles-Medlock Foundation have committed a £5,000 matching grant to our Foundation Rwanda programme for the vocational education and counselling of 40 young people born to women survivors raped during the genocide next year if we can raise an additional £15,000 through The … Continue Reading »

Uzamukunda Charlotte

Good Gifts

Supporting survivors to improve their livelihoods through small business initiatives, agricultural projects, and livestock projects, enables them to increase household food and economic security and financial independence. Below is just one of the profiles of a survivor who has benefited … Continue Reading »