A Counselling Group made possible by Network for Africa

Network for Africa

In a partnership with Network for Africa, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been supporting our partner organisation AERG to pilot a new approach to securing access to counselling for its members. The results have been remarkable, as noted here in an … Continue Reading »

Genocide against the Tutsi

Finally, the UN recognises the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi. By Fred Nkusi, The New Times. The United Nations General Assembly recently officially designated April 7, as the International Day of Reflection on the 1994 Genocide against the Tutsi in … Continue Reading »

ELE Graduate

Empowering Secondary School Leavers

With funding from the UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) and in partnership with Survivors Fund (SURF), the National Student’s Association of Genocide Survivors in Rwanda (AERG) implemented the “Empowering Vulnerable Young Survivors who have left Secondary School to Create, … Continue Reading »

Attendees at a YETP workshop


As we near publication of our new Strategic Plan for 2018 to 2020, we will be sharing here some background on Rwanda today, and drawing out the implications for survivors of the genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda, and related … Continue Reading »

Angel stands in front of the house she shares with her mother in Rwanda's Ngoma sector on Feb. 26. Tourism is her dream career. Her backup plan is selling tomatoes (Whitney Shefte, Washington Post)

Angel and Jacqueline

Sunlight streams through Angel’s window, catching her metallic hoop earrings. She sits at a wooden table next to her mother, Jacqueline. They split a loaf of bread for breakfast and wash it down with tea. Jacqueline sprinkles brown sugar into … Continue Reading »