
Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda: why the victims are not paid compensation Genocide is an irreparable crime, but financial reparations for survivors would help mend damage done and educate society By Jean Paul Mugiraneza in Nairobi, for Insights on … Continue Reading »


Jean Bosco Uwinkindi is the first suspect in a genocide case to be transferred from the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda (ICTR) in Arusha, Tanzania to the Rwandan national court system. The trial of the former Pentecostal pastor, who is … Continue Reading »

Great Gifts

We are currently working on our annual report for the Charities Advisory Trust documenting the progress of a number of projects funded through their Good Gifts Catalogue, which provides an opportunity to reflect on the impact of that work over … Continue Reading »


The Rwandan genocide undeniably represents one of the most appalling events in recent human history, and its legacy will continue to affect the lives of those who survived it, in the years to come. Twenty years after the genocide, Rwanda … Continue Reading »

GWEP Update

Since its inception in December 2012, the Genocide Widows Empowerment Project (GWEP) has reached over 2,436 individuals, operating in five districts (Karongi, Rutsiru, Ngororero, Nyabihu, and Rubavu) in the Western province of Rwanda that previously did not have access to … Continue Reading »

New Year

Greetings to you all from me, Françoise Lemagnen, the incoming Chief Executive! I have just returned from an intensive and instructive few weeks in Rwanda meeting with the team and partners and most importantly with survivors across the country. I return … Continue Reading »

Solar cooking

Following our site visit to learn more about water purifiers, we travelled on to Rilima to meet Josephine to see her solar cooker in action. This was one of a number of experimental solar cookers donated by Survivors Fund (SURF), … Continue Reading »

The Gift of Water

One of the principal funders of the work of Survivors Fund (SURF) in Rwanda is the Charities Advisory Trust, which supports our work through Card Aid and the Good Gifts Catalogue. On my current visit to Rwanda, I have had … Continue Reading »


As a follow-up to my post last week on reflections of my five years in post as director of Survivors Fund (SURF), I would like to share some thoughts on what I hope to be the legacy of the work … Continue Reading »


As I embark on my final few weeks at the helm at Survivors Fund (SURF), I reflect on my past five years in post as director. It is has been a remarkable experience. The time has truly flown! That is … Continue Reading »