A mentoring session in progress


A critical component of the Education into Employment (EiE) programme which Survivors Fund (SURF) has developed in partnership with the Student’s Association of Survivors of the Genocide (AERG) is a mentoring scheme. EiE supports disadvantaged youth, many of whom are … Continue Reading »

Education Blog

Young Roots

To mark Holocaust Memorial Day, Survivors Fund (SURF) has launched a new education microsite which conveys the untold stories of an array of UK-based survivors of the Rwandan Tutsi genocide through film. The microsite features excerpts of interviews with an … Continue Reading »

Untold Stories

Untold Stories

Untold Stories is a new short film produced and edited by Andrew Sutton for Survivors Fund (SURF) to mark Holocaust Memorial Day 2011. The film features the testimonies of four survivors – Cassien, Simeon, Sandrine and Clare. Comprehensive versions of … Continue Reading »

SURF Fellows

The SURF Fellowship

I had the honour today of attending the first annual gathering of the young survivors which Survivors Fund (SURF) has sponsored, or is sponsoring, through university. SURF is currently sponsoring 84 students at university, and a further 61 students have … Continue Reading »

Oral History

Oral History

On Friday, three of the four schools which are participating in SURF’s UK Rwandan Survivors Oral History Project convened at the Imperial War Museum in London to discuss and evaluate the initiative, and to develop ideas to take the work … Continue Reading »

Projects Update

Whilst here in Rwanda, we have had the opportunity to see the progress of a number of projects funded by Survivors Fund (SURF). Through meetings with our partner organisations and field visits it has been excellent to see first hand … Continue Reading »

Education into Employment

Last year, in partnership with the UK Conservative Party, SURF developed an Education into Employment programme to support young survivors at university in Rwanda to secure a job on graduation. This was developed by a group from Project Umubano, the … Continue Reading »

The Holocaust and Rwanda

In many elements of SURF’s work addressing the consequences of the Rwandan genocide, there is a relation to the Holocaust as well as other genocides too. On our current project with UK-based survivors and schools, we have been privileged to … Continue Reading »


Over the past month, SURF has organised three workshops with schools from London, Oxford and Rugby to enable students to meet with and interview UK-based survivors of the Rwandan genocide about their lives before and after genocide, and experience during … Continue Reading »

End of Year Appeal

End of Year Appeal

As 2009 draws to a close, we have been working on our end of year appeal. Survivors Fund (SURF) does not have an annual fundraising dinner or event, and as such is dependent on the generosity of supporters through the … Continue Reading »