Good Gifts

For many years, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been a grateful beneficiary of the Good Gifts Catalogue. The new Catalogue has jut been published, and the great new Good Gifts website is now up and running. To get some sense of the … Continue Reading »

Project Umubano 2011

Over the past two weeks, Survivors Fund (SURF) has been working with the community group of Project Umubano, the two week international social action programme of the UK Conservative Party. A group of 10 members of the 100-strong delegation in … Continue Reading »

On fundraising

On fundraising

Survivors Fund (SURF) is featured in an article in the Guardian on “Why small charities need to work to break through the £1m barrier”.  Anne Nicholls writes: The story of the Survivors Fund shows the importance of securing sustainable funding … Continue Reading »



Support of the survivors of the genocide comes in many forms. As we approach the anniversary of the genocide this week, we offer our support in the forms of thoughts and prayers for the survivors at this challenging time. Seventeen … Continue Reading »

Red Nose Day

Red Nose Day

Today is Red Nose Day, the biennial telethon to raise money for Comic Relief. Survivors Fund (SURF) has a long association with Comic Relief. In fact, SURF’s Founder, Mary Kayitesi Blewitt, raised funding for AVEGA from Comic Relief in 1995, … Continue Reading »

Dame Hilary Blume - a Happy Giver


New Philanthropy Capital (NPC) today launched a new report: Ten Ways to boost giving. The report identifies current barriers to giving (“I can’t afford it”; “I think charities are inefficient”) and proposes ideas on how to encourage and stimulate people … Continue Reading »



One of the great benefits of my job as Director of Survivors Fund (SURF) is the opportunity to meet an array of supporters of our work. Over the past ten days, then I have enjoyed three such meetings: Last week, I … Continue Reading »

Happy Givers

Happy Givers

Survivors Fund (SURF) was fortunate to have been amongst the organisations presenting at the most recent Happy Givers. Established by Dame Hilary Blume, Happy Givers is an initiative which brings together young people to meet the Biblical obligation “to care for the stranger, and … Continue Reading »

2011 Appeal

2011 Appeal

At the end of each year Survivors Fund (SURF) launches an appeal to raise funds for one of our priority programmes, which this year is a call for funding to support our programme of sponsorship for young survivors at university. … Continue Reading »

Rwanda Marathon

Rwanda Marathon

Survivors Fund (SURF) is partnering with Msaada to support its Rwanda Marathon 2011. Msaada is a Dorset-based charity which like SURF supports the work of the Eastern Region branch of AVEGA Agahozo in Rwamagana. For the first time next year, Mssada … Continue Reading »