Ahead of Holocaust Memorial Day 2022 on 27th January, SURF UK Coordinator, David Russell, was interviewed by EachOther about the importance of the commemoration and how it relates to the importance of remembrance of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda and continuing support to survivors.
“Holocaust Memorial Day is an opportunity for communities, as well as the population as a whole, not only to commemorate genocides but also to learn about them,” said David Russell, UK Coordinator for Survivors Fund, a charity helping to rebuild the lives of survivors of the Genocide against the Tutsi in Rwanda. “Ensuring that the history is preserved and the memory is extended for future generations.”
While awareness-raising is a key component of preventing future genocides and healing from past atrocities, maintaining relief efforts is also crucial.
“Generating interest in Rwanda becomes more challenging as the events become more distant,” continued Russell. “Even though genocide happened some time ago and the country has largely rebuilt itself, there is still a real pressing need for support for the most vulnerable, marginalised survivors that don’t have access to assistance.”
The full article can be accessed here. It has been published to also help raise awareness of a new film of Stories of Genocide: Lessons for Today which will be released by EachOther to mark HMD, a trailer of which can be viewed below: