Over the past year Survivors Fund (SURF) has undertaken consultation with our staff, trustees, partner organisations and supporters to determine our approach to the work ahead over the next three year period. We have factored in the views of all these key stakeholders, the result of which is the publication of our Strategic Plan 2012-14.
This Strategic Plan takes into account emerging changes affecting survivors of the Rwandan genocide and the changing environment in which SURF works. The plan builds on and strengthens the work detailed in the 2009-11 Strategic Plan and sets out the aims, targets and actions for SURF and its partners work; and forms the basis for our operational priorities. It explains how SURF intends to assist partners to achieve their own plans and priorities.
The Strategic Plan will form the basis of action plans that will describe how each area of work will be put into practice over the three-year period. The action plans will be monitored and evaluated during this period, and be used as the basis for supervision and support to those responsible for carrying out operational tasks, and inform the ongoing direction and development of SURF.
The key themes and targets for SURF’s work in 2012-2014 will be on:
Delivering Justice
– Enforcing the rights of survivors, and legal representation in Rwanda
– Greater funding specifically for survivors from the international community
– Advocating for and delivering restorative justice programmes for survivors
Rebuilding Lives
– Increase in the number of survivors with secure and sustainable livelihoods
– Survivors to have secured access to essential services (including health)
– Greater investment in education of survivors, and their dependants
All our work is informed and underpinned by four guiding principles:
– SURF’s commitment to survivors and partners in Rwanda is long term.
– SURF is independent and flexible in its response to the priorities of survivors.
– SURF aims to support activities that are successful and sustainable.
– SURF aims to build capacity of its partners to deliver programmes.
The plan is an ever evolving document, and we expect to revise if further as the context and circumstance of survivors changes in Rwanda. Though we are proud to share it with you in its current form.