Books Recommended (February 2021)

Reading List

At Survivors Fund (SURF) we often come across new books on the genocide, or published testimonies of survivors. Most recently we have showcased a remarkable new book of testimonies published as And I Live On. Last year in our News … Continue Reading »

A traumatised youth is helped during a past commemoration event. Survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi found it hard to commemorate this year due to the lock-down meant to curb the spread of COVID-19. (The New Times)

Mental Health and Covid-19

By Nasra Bishumba, The New Times Almost a year since Rwanda confirmed its first Covid-19 case, mental health experts in organisations of the survivors of the 1994 genocide against the Tutsi say that mental illness challenges have been exacerbated by … Continue Reading »

Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

New Strategic Plan

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely … Continue Reading »