Thank you

Thank you

2009 has been a particularly challenging year for SURF – as it has been for many charities. We are fortunate to have a number of committed donors that have enabled us to not only sustain, but in some cases even … Continue Reading »

SURF on the BBC

SURF’s BBC Radio 4 Charity of the Week Appeal was broadcast this Sunday. For those that missed it, there is another chance to hear the broadcast on Thursday 18th June at 3:27pm or to listen below: SURF on BBC Radio … Continue Reading »

SURF appeals

This weekend, one of our youngest supporters, Nick Twomey, completed his round-the-world marathon challenge, finishing 12 marathons across 7 continents in under 9 months. It is a remarkable achievement, in which Nick has climbed the Great Wall of China and … Continue Reading »

SURF at The Funding Network

Last night at The Funding Network, SURF was one of five organisations that presented its project to 200 attendees at a sold-out event at Barclays Wealth in Canary Wharf. SURF’s project was presented by long-time supporter Felicity Finch (more familiar … Continue Reading »

Fundraising in June

This morning at the BBC, SURF Patron and International Editor of Channel 4 News, Lindsey Hilsum, recorded a Charity Appeal for Survivors Fund which is due to be broadcast on Sunday 14th June on Radio 4. Lindsey has been a … Continue Reading »