
BBC Radio 4 Appeal

SURF Patron, Actor and Radio Documentary maker, Felicity Finch, has recorded a new BBC Radio 4 Appeal for Survivors Fund (SURF). The Appeal will be broadcast on Sunday 16th June at 7.54am and 9.25pm, and again on Thursday 20th June … Continue Reading »

Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

Strategic Plan 2024-28

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely in the three year period … Continue Reading »

Survivors Fund (SURF) Office in Kigali

New Strategic Plan

Every three years, the partners, trustees and staff of Survivors Fund (SURF) undertake a review of our work to date, and develop a strategic plan for our work ahead. We discuss what are the proiorities for survivors now and likely … Continue Reading »

An AVEGA-Agahozo member receives a Kitchen Garden to help ensure a regular supply of food during the COVID-19 restrictions

New UK Aid Direct Grant

Survivors Fund (SURF) and AVEGA Agahozo have been awarded a new UK Aid Direct grant to directly respond to the impact of COVID-19. This is a UK Government challenge fund that supports civil society organisations to be a force for … Continue Reading »