Each year Survivors Fund (SURF) publishes its Annual Report and Accounts, which are officially filed with the Charity Commission. Our 2019 report is now thus publicly available to download and read here.
Over recent weeks we have published our Annual Message from our Chief Executive, Samuel Munderere, and our Annual Review from our Chair, Sam Hunt. As well as extracts from various programme reports including our work on our Reaching Rwanda and Legal Aid Forum projects.
The full report highlights an array of our other projects which we have featured as well on this News Section of the website, including some of our newer projects such as our Empowering Vulnerable Genocide Widows in Karongi District to Alleviate Extreme Poverty (EVKEP) Project.
All of this work has been made possible through partnerships with funders which have supported much of our work in 2019, which includes: Addax & Oryx Foundation, UK Aid Direct (funded by the UK Government’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office), Charities Advisory Trust, Foundation Rwanda, INSPIRE!africa, Network for Africa, Legal Aid Forum Rwanda and The Southall Trust.
And most importantly, through the support of you, our donors, who through your generous and continuing contributions have helped us to extend this work over more than twenty years, and hopefully for many years to come.