SURF calls on UN to support survivors

SURF calls on UN to support survivors

Survivors Fund (SURF) yesterday staged a Reading of the Testimonies of survivors of the Rwandan genocide at the Whitechapel Gallery in London. Testimonies, included those collected by SURF partners, Foundation Rwanda and Msaada, were read by members of the British public to … Continue Reading »

Update on SURF’s Founder

Mary Kayitesi-Blewitt, SURF’ Founder, has not been resting since I succeeded her as director in January 2009. Appointed as a Visiting Fellow at the Research Centre for Leadership in Action at the Robert F. Wagner School for Public Service at … Continue Reading »

SURF on the BBC

SURF’s BBC Radio 4 Charity of the Week Appeal was broadcast this Sunday. For those that missed it, there is another chance to hear the broadcast on Thursday 18th June at 3:27pm or to listen below: SURF on BBC Radio … Continue Reading »

SURF appeals

This weekend, one of our youngest supporters, Nick Twomey, completed his round-the-world marathon challenge, finishing 12 marathons across 7 continents in under 9 months. It is a remarkable achievement, in which Nick has climbed the Great Wall of China and … Continue Reading »

SURF at The Funding Network

Last night at The Funding Network, SURF was one of five organisations that presented its project to 200 attendees at a sold-out event at Barclays Wealth in Canary Wharf. SURF’s project was presented by long-time supporter Felicity Finch (more familiar … Continue Reading »

Fundraising in June

This morning at the BBC, SURF Patron and International Editor of Channel 4 News, Lindsey Hilsum, recorded a Charity Appeal for Survivors Fund which is due to be broadcast on Sunday 14th June on Radio 4. Lindsey has been a … Continue Reading »

Reporting on the situation of survivors

SURF is fortunate to secure coverage of its work, and the situation of survivors in Rwanda, through an array of different media channels. This Sunday, BBC Radio Berkshire began a six-part broadcast of the recent visit of two SURF trustees … Continue Reading »

Survivors and testimonies

A critical aspect of the work of SURF is to raise awareness of the situation of survivors in Rwanda today. The most powerful means to do so is through the testimony of the survivors, empowering them to tell their story in … Continue Reading »